Clean Fuels

Clean Fuels

California’s goal is to reach 100% carbon neutrality by 2045 and SoCalGas will be instrumental in helping our state get there. SoCalGas released The Role of Clean Fuels and Gas Infrastructure in Achieving California's Net-Zero Climate Goal – a study showing the essential role clean fuels like RNG and hydrogen can play in our energy future.

The Role of Clean Fuels and Gas Infrastructure in Achieving California's Net-Zero Climate Goal

Learn more by reading our full report.

The study examines California’s options for moving to a net-zero energy system. Building on studies by state agencies like the California Energy Commission and the California Air Resources Board, the analysis presents a new level of economy-wide modeling.

The analysis examines four scenarios for achieving California’s climate goals and addresses the full complexity of reaching net-zero GHG emissions, economy-wide. It offers solutions for the hard-to-abate transportation and industrial sectors and supports state climate and energy policies, including resilient and reliable electrification.

Our study highlights how a clean fuels network that repurposes existing gas infrastructure to deliver clean fuels and manage carbon can help California reach its climate goals more affordably and with less risk than other pathways.


Key takeaways from our new technical analysis include:

  • Electrification combined with clean fuels, carbon management, and technologies like fuel cells deliver the most affordable, resilient, and technologically proven path to full carbon neutrality.
  • California, by leveraging the gas system to deliver clean fuels and to manage carbon, can reach 100% net-zero goals more affordably, more equitably, and with less risk of power disruptions, customer conversion barriers, and technological limitations.
  • Rapidly scaling up clean fuels initiatives today is vital to putting a clean fuels network in place in time to help California meet its climate goals. The faster stakeholders can collaboratively act to expand and accelerate clean fuels initiatives, the quicker California can decarbonize.

Summary Report

Learn more by reading our summary report.

Clean Fuels Graphic

What are Clean Fuels?

Clean fuels are alternative fuels with a net-zero carbon footprint, accounting for both their production and combustion. Clean fuels include renewable natural gas, renewable hydrogen, synthetic natural gas, and biofuels.


Clean Fuel Initiatives

We are engaged in more than 10 pilot projects related to hydrogen and have partnered with the Green Hydrogen Coalition, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) and other key partners on HyDeal, an initiative to achieve at-scale clean, renewable hydrogen procurement at $1.50/kilogram in the Los Angeles Basin by 2030.

Technical Appendices

These technical appendices provide additional detail to support the “The Role of Clean Fuels and Gas Infrastructure in Achieving California’s Net Zero Climate Goal” white paper. It outlines the methodology and key assumptions in regard to the economy-wide decarbonization scenario modeling and clean fuels infrastructure implications and costs. This document is available in English only.