Third Party Bill Notification
Need a reminder to pay your bill?

If you or someone you know has a hard time remembering to pay the gas bill every month, our Third Party Notification program may be able to help avoid disconnection of gas service.
How the program works:
- Select a trusted third party, such as a friend, relative or social agency
- A past-due or gas shut-off notice will be sent to you and your selected third party
- The selected third party can remind you about the overdue gas bill. This party is not required to pay the bill.
How to Apply
1. Download the Application
- English Application (Adobe PDF, 469 KB
- English Large Font Application (Adobe PDF, 476 KB)
- Formulario en español (Adobe PDF, 233 KB)
- Formulario de Letra Grande en español (Adobe PD, 338 KB)
- Vietnamese Application Mẫu Đơn Tiếng Việt (Adobe Acrobat File, 221 KB
- Chinese Application 中文申請表格 (Adobe Acrobat File, 133 KB)
- Korean Application 한국어 신청서 (Adobe Acrobat File, 363 KB)
2. Print, Complete and Mail the Form to this Address:
Third Party Notification
Collections Department
Mail Location SC710J
PO Box 30337
Los Angeles, CA 90020-0337
For further assistance, call us at 1-800-427-2200. Hearing impaired, TDD/TTY: 1-800-252-0259.