New Construction Status Tracker Portfolio Account - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Does everyone have access to the document upload feature?

No, only NCST Portfolio users can use the document upload feature at this time. Repeat customers may register for an NCST Portfolio account at NCST Portfolio Sign Up. Once you register, you should expect to receive two emails. One to confirm your request has been made and another to notify you of account approval. This can take up to 10 business days after registration submission.

How do I know which documents I need to upload for my project?

Your SoCalGas planning representative will contact you to let you know which documents are required as needed. They may even use Project Alerts in the NCST Portfolio to let you know.

When can I add documents to my project?

You may submit project documents at any time while your project is active (displaying in the Active Projects page) in your portfolio account.

New construction status

What if I am unable to find my project in my portfolio account?

If you do not see a project in the Active Projects page, check if it may be completed or canceled by viewing the Reconciled Projects page in the NCST Portfolio. If it is not completed or canceled, you may manually request to add the project to your portfolio through the Active Projects page by providing your SoCalGas project number and applicant name. Visit NCST Portfolio Log In to learn more.


How soon do I need to submit my documents?

To avoid delays, documents should be submitted as soon as possible.

How soon after uploading my documents can I expect to see them in my portfolio?

Documents typically appear 10 minutes after successful upload.

How will I know when my documents have successfully been uploaded?

You can check the Project details page in the NCST Portfolio to see specifically which project documents have successfully been uploaded.

Will my SoCalGas planning representative be notified that I have submitted project documents?

Yes, your assigned SoCalGas planning representative and their supervisor will be notified of documents that were successfully attached.

When will my SoCalGas planning representative be able to view my project documents

SoCalGas planning representatives will typically be able to view successfully uploaded documents in 10 minutes after the documents pass a virus scan.

Who can I contact if I need assistance with my portfolio account?

Please send an email message to

Can I upload documents from my mobile device?

Yes, the NCST Portfolio allows you to upload documents from your mobile device.

Will my ability to upload documents eliminate the need to communicate with my SoCalGas planning representative?

No, you should continue communicating with your SoCalGas planning representative throughout your project.