Helpful Energy Management Program for Your Home and Business

In our ongoing efforts to provide useful information to our residential and non-residential customers, we have developed an energy management behavior-based program. The program provides helpful Home and/or Business Energy Usage reports that provide information on patterns, peak usage, energy savings recommendations, and much more. This information is available via direct mail, email, alerts, and/or the programs' dashboard.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Home or Business Energy Usage Report? 
The Home or Business Energy Usage Report provides personalized information about your energy usage and smart ways to help make your home or business more energy-efficient. You were randomly chosen to receive these reports based on your historical natural gas usage trends.

What if I'd rather not receive these reports?
Customers can opt out at any time. To opt-out, email or call 1-888-431-2226, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST.

Note: Opt-out processing time varies depending on the time of request submission. Generally, it takes 1-3 weeks after the request is received before you stop receiving reports.

What do you need to do after receiving this report?
After you receive a report, please review the energy-saving tips provided. Following these tips may help lower your natural gas usage. 

Is my information confidential?
Yes, SoCalGas is committed to protecting your energy usage information and ensuring appropriate protection exists when collecting, storing, using, and reporting that information. For further details, you can visit our privacy center.

Who can I contact if I have questions, comments, and/or suggestions? 
Mail: SoCalGas c/o Energy Efficiency GT20B3
555 W. 5th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013

Phone: 1-888-431-2226