Jawaad Malik

  • Jawaad Malik

    Chief Strategy and Sustainability Officer

    Jawaad Malik is chief strategy and sustainability officer for Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas), a Sempra regulated California utility. Malik is responsible for the development of a comprehensive strategy and sustainability plan to position SoCalGas as a long-term leader enabling California’s clean energy future. The comprehensive strategy focuses on the vital role the gas grid provides to support California’s energy system objectives.

    Previously, Malik was vice president of gas acquisition and vice president of accounting and finance for SoCalGas. Since joining SoCalGas in 2007, Malik has served in a number of increasingly responsible management positions, including director of financial and operations planning, financial planning manager and General Rate Case program manager. Prior to this, he held various finance and auditing related roles at the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power and the California Department of Insurance.

    Malik holds a master’s degree in business administration with an emphasis in finance from Pepperdine University, a bachelor’s degree in accounting from California State University, Los Angeles and is a licensed Certified Public Accountant. Malik sits on the Dean’s Advisory Council of Cal Poly Pomona’s College of Business Administration and the UC Davis Energy & Efficiency Institute Board of Advisors.