SoCalGas® Energy Savings Assistance Program Solicitations
SoCalGas aims to develop an open, fair, and competitive process that will enable vendors to create high quality proposals, facilitate IOU coordination, and focus review and oversight resources on areas of highest potential.
SoCalGas plans to conduct competitive solicitations to select implementers for Energy Savings Assistance Programs approved in a recent California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) decision (D.21-06-015). On this page we'll provide interested bidders with general information and requirements in order to participate in the solicitations.
At this time, SoCalGas plans to run the following Energy Savings Assistance Program solicitations for Program Years 2023-2026:
- Main Energy Savings Assistance Program (Basic/Plus) (delivery of core single-family in-home services)
- Customer Experience Technology Platform and Customer Online Audit
- Pilot Plus/Pilot Deep (developed jointly with Southern California Edison Company [SCE])
Solicitation Schedule and Timeline
Below is a link to the latest schedule regarding the Energy Savings Assistance Program solicitations.
Joint IOU Energy Savings Assistance Program Solicitation Timeline
Solicitations Release Details
No active solicitations
Solicitation Tools and Resources
All bidders and IOU's must adhere to the following Terms and Conditions:Schedule A - SoCalGas Energy Savings Assistance Program General Terms and ConditionsSchedule A1 - CPUC Standard Contract Terms & Conditions
Become an Energy Savings Assistance Program Contractor
If you're interested in being a contractor for the SoCalGas Energy Savings Assistance Program, please fill out this online form and a program representative will contact you with additional information.
SoCalGas is dedicated to promoting sustainable business practices, Diverse Business Enterprises (DBEs) and Small Business Enterprises (SBEs). To meet and exceed SoCalGas and CPUC goals, SoCalGas has set a goal of 43% of total company procurement utilizing DBE. For additional information or assistance, please refer to SoCalGas Supplier Diversity, where you can learn more about becoming certified as a DBE supplier and/or finding a DBE subcontractor.
For additional information, please reach out to:SoCalGas Supplier Diversity - Victoria Leonido
Past Events:
Supplier Diversity Symposium Event
The Supplier Diversity teams from San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E), Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), Southern California Edison Company (SCE), and SoCalGas (collectively the investor-owned utilities or Joint IOUs) rescheduled the Contractor Symposium webinar from Monday, December 13, 2021, to Wednesday, January 12, 2022, from 1 pm to 3:30 pm PST.
The primary objective of this event was to create visibility and accessibility between interested third party vendors and contractors to facilitate networking and business relationships that may lead to potential business opportunities for qualified, diverse, and/or small businesses who may be interested in submitting bids to any upcoming Energy Savings Assistance Program and/or Energy Efficiency solicitations.
Supplier Diversity Symposium EventDate: Wednesday, January 12, 2022Time: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. PT
Supplier Diversity Symposium on January 12, 2022
For questions or comments regarding this notice, please contact the following utilities staff:
SDG&E: Meredith Garcia
PG&E: David Pell
Energy Savings Assistance Program and Energy Efficiency solicitation information for the IOUs is available on PEPMA
SDG&E and SoCalGas Energy Savings Assistance Programs Host Web-Based Solicitations Workshop
The SDG&E and SoCalGas Energy Savings Assistance Programs hosted a web-based workshop to provide prospective bidders with general solicitation information such as proposal requirements (technical and commercial), cybersecurity, contractor safety requirements, customer data and privacy requirements, diverse business enterprises (DBEs), and other basic qualifications (e.g., what constitutes an acceptable bid, qualification process, etc.). The workshop included an overview of the respective utilities' Energy Savings Assistance Programs solicitation plans.
SoCalGas Solicitation Plan 2021-2026
SDG&E Solicitation Plan 2021-2026
The workshop was recorded and posted on the following websites: SDG&E, SoCalGas, the Proposal Evaluation & Proposal Management Application (PEPMA), and/or the California Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee (CAEECC).
Solicitations WorkshopDate: Tuesday, November 16, 2021Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. PT
For questions or comments regarding this notice, please contact the following utilities staff:
SDG&E: Kayla Rice
SoCalGas: Fernando Mariona