- Prepared Testimony of Larry Andrews - Non-COVID-19 CEMA Events Overview (Chapter 1)
- Prepared Testimony of Christopher Bissonnette, Bonnie Burns, Ralf Balzer, Orlando Carrasquillo, and Ernie Cervantes - COVID-19 CEMA Event Overview (Chapter 2)
- Prepared Testimony of Leslie Hayles - CEMA Accounting (Chapter 3)
- Prepared Testimony of Ashok Lad - CPPMA Overview (Chapter 4)
- Prepared Testimony of Jenny Chhuor - CEMA and CPPMA Revenue Requirement (Chapter 5)
- Prepared Testimony of Marjorie Schmidt-Pines - Rate Impact (Chapter 6)
Errata Testimony
- Errata Testimony of Leslie Hayles - CEMA Accounting (Chapter 3)
- Errata Testimony of Leslie Hayles - CEMA Accounting (Chapter 3) - Redline
Supplemental Testimony
- Supplemental Testimony of Leslie Hayles - CEMA Accounting (Chapter 3)
- Supplemental Testimony of Ashok Lad - CPPMA Overview (Chapter 4)
- Supplemental Testimony of Marjorie Schmidt-Pines - Rate Impact (Chapter 6)
- Attachments
- Attachment A - CEMA and CPPMA Line-Items (native file available upon request)
- Attachment B - Workpapers Supporting the Statement of Proposed Rate Change in A.23-11-003 (native file available upon request)