For Mobile Home Park Owners

Here is how the process works for this safety-driven program to replace the current natural gas distribution system with a new and professionally installed system that is independently owned and operated by SoCalGas®. We will help you through each step of the process.


Selection Process

Selection Process

  • The selection of participants is made by the CPUC's Safety and Enforcement Division (SED), based on risk assessment and other prioritization factors established by the CPUC. The CPUC's SED has the authority and responsibility for prioritizing conversions (not SoCalGas).
  • If the total number of eligible resident mobile homes exceeds the percentage allowed under the program, remaining parks will be placed on a waiting list. CPUC Forms of Intent received after the enrollment period may not be eligible to participate in the program or may be placed on the waiting list. Placement on the waiting list does not guarantee conversion to direct utility service.
  • For owners inquiring about the status of their park, please contact the CPUC SED.* directly.

After Park Selection

After Park Selection

Once a park has been selected for program participation and the utilities are ready to begin planning, we will assign representatives who will serve as the park owner’s/manager's direct point of contact. Our representatives will:

  • Provide in-depth overview of MHP Program including utility and owner responsibilities
  • Review required documents needed for participation (Application, supporting documents, etc)
  • Review conversion agreement process and required steps
  • Arranging onsite construction 
  • Provide program information materials, answer questions, address concerns, and keep MHP owners and residents informed throughout each phase of the process

What to expect During the Construction Phase

What to Expect During the Construction Phase

As with all construction projects, there will be a level of temporary inconvenience that is difficult to determine however, the following should be expected:

  • Prior to and during construction, we will work with the mobile home park owners/managers to inform residents of the work and coordinate construction.
  • Safety signs, digging, open trenches, noise, and dust
  • Construction vehicles/crews and staging areas for material and tools.
  • Temporary closures of areas of the mobile home park and main streets (traffic lane closure and rerouting).
  • Each home should expect two inspections resulting in two brief natural gas service interruptions.
    • The first is a pre-inspection by the “beyond the meter” contractor to identify any pressure leaks inside the homes.
    • The second is a local agency inspection to ensure that new natural gas house lines pass a pressure test and that the new electrical system passes a grounding and electric flow test.

After Conversion

After Conversion

For Mobile Home Park Owners

  • At the start of direct SoCalGas service, the old master-meter will be removed, and the sub-metered system will be left in its place. The sub-metered system remains the responsibility of the owner.
  • The master-meter discount will cease once the park has been converted to direct utility service.
  • Owners will be responsible for notifying the residents within 10 business days of the resident protections (PDF).
  • Owners will be responsible for maintaining the new system beyond each resident's meter. SoCalGas ownership only extends to the resident's natural gas meter. 

For Mobile Home Park Residents

  • Once the mobile home park has been converted, residents will become direct customers of SoCalGas and will be individually billed at current residential customer rates. 
  • Residents will be eligible to participate in customer programs that may help them conserve energy and save money on their natural gas bill.


Mobilehome Park Utility Conversion Program is funded by California utility customers under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). This program is subject to all decisions, resolutions, and orders of the CPUC, including Decision R.18-04-018, as well as any modifications by the CPUC, as the it may, from time to time, direct in the exercise of its jurisdiction.