- Curtailment Procedures Settlement Final Decision (D.16-07-008) - 7/14/2016
- Daily Balancing Settlement Final Decision (D.16-06-021) - 6/9/2016
- Second Daily Balancing Settlement Final Decision (D.16-12-015) - 12/1/2016
- Prepared Direct Testimony of Gwen Marelli
- Prepared Direct Testimony of Steve Watson
- Prepared Direct Testimony of David Bisi
- Prepared Direct Testimony of Tuan Nguyen
- Prepared Direct Testimony of Paul Borkovich
Rebuttal Testimony
- Prepared Rebuttal Testimony of Manuel Rincon
- Prepared Rebuttal Testimony of Andrew Sawin
- Prepared Rebuttal Testimony of Tuan Nguyen
- Prepared Rebuttal Testimony of Paul Borkovich
Data Requests
Office of Ratepayer Advocates (ORA)
Southern California Generation Coalition
- SCGC-01
- SCGC-01 (Revised Response 1.6.3)
- SCGC-02
- SCGC-02 (Response 2.1)
- SCGC-02 (Revised Response 2.1)
- SCGC-03
- SCGC-04
- SCGC-05
- SCGC-05 (Revised Response 5.3.1)
- SCGC-06
- SCGC-06 (Updated 1-29-16)
- SCGC-07
- SCGC-08
- SCGC-10
- SCGC-11
- SCGC-12
- SCGC 12 (Updated May 13, 2016)
- SCGC 14
- SCGC 15
- SCGC 15 (updated August 19, 2016)
- SCGC 16
- SCGC 17
- SCGC 18
Indicated Shippers
Southern California Edison