Frequently asked questions
SoCalGas incorporates sustainable business practices into many facets of our business operations. Our sustainability strategy prioritizes the following five areas:
- Accelerating the transition to clean energy;
- Protecting the climate and improving local air quality;
- Advancing a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture;
- Increasing clean energy access and affordability; and
- Achieving world-class safety.
A key component of our sustainability strategy is to be transparent and accountable with our sustainable business goals. We have established a governance framework that aligns all business units with our sustainability strategy, sets clear lines of responsibility, and transparently tracks progress on our goals. Many of the elements in our sustainability strategy are already reported through compliance reports, Sempra's annual Corporate Sustainability Report and other outlets. We will enhance this effort and include additional metrics through these existing outlets and our website.
For SoCalGas, Scope 1 and 2 are direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by the Company, including emissions generated by gas usage at our facilities, use of transmission and distribution systems, and our vehicle fleet; and indirect emissions associated with the electricity purchased and consumed by the company. Scope 3 emissions are indirect GHG emissions from that is a result of our customers’ use of natural gas.
SoCalGas is the largest gas distribution utility in the nation to include scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions in our net zero goal. Success will require strong partnerships and collaborations with business partners, customers, and regulatory and policy stakeholders, and continued dedication from our 7,800 SoCalGas employees.